Friends & Family:
RAIN RAIN RAIN all day today...and of course we had no umbrella. Willie and I got to Riverview to register him by around 11am, and despite the bad weather, everyone (especially the parents?) were in a great mood! Willie loved seeing all his friends again, and I was introduced to many parents I had not met before. One new family is from New Jersey and are friend's with Bill's sister Aimee. Willie is very proud of that! After a clam chowder lunch on campus, the parents had their orientation meeting where the head of school counseled us about not worrying about our children as they will be well taken care of when we depart tomorrow (I saw NO parent worrying, but many checking their watches with a countdown...!)
The campus looked drastically different this visit, as the administration has embarked on a big building campaign. The charming Cape Cod white washed clapboard building that served as the front office has been torn down, and right now all that is in it's place is a huge hole (full of a lot of water today). By this time next year a brand new library, auditorium, and student center will be in it's place. Despite the horrible economy, Riverview parents stepped up and committed over $3 million dollars to make this happen. It will certainly transform the school. Very exciting to watch the transformation.
Willie is in a new building off campus this year. It is located about 1 mile
down the road from the school, and used to be a motel. It is REALLY nice and once again Willie has his own room with lots of closet & drawer space. He even has his OWN TV! The dorm counselors are in the midst of organizing a room on the first floor that will have a ping pong table, pool table, and a big TV for video games. I don't think any of the young men will want to go to school.
During the day I skipped out and visited The Sandwich Glass Museum which has a beautiful collection of antique glass and lots of paperweights. The museum was hosting a large glass fair where over 40 dealers from all over the country exhibited their wares. NO GLASS PUMPKINS however.
Duly noted ladies - Before dinner I dropped off Willie at the Cape Cod Mall and told him I was running an errand at Bed & Bath, where in reality I rushed over to pay a visit to my favorite store "The Christmas Tree Store". Alas, as is common with these type of discount stores it is hit or miss. This visit was not an award winner... but then remember I will be back for parent's weekend October 15 !!
Tomorrow I head home on the 7:30pm flight. I wonder if Bill will meet me at the airport with a brass band & balloons? After 13 days of being on the road, I will confess I am ready to come home...but it has been a WONDERFUL journey.
Once I get home I will add some great don't think this is the last day for you to check the blog... you'll want to stay tuned for a few more days!
Here's to clear skies and strong headwinds heading West! xoxo
cindy once again, very well written. enjoyed every word especially the looking at the watch. had a terrific day on the lake and your son got up on waterskis and had fun tubing and trying to push zach off while heading out to the wake. he tried wakeboarding but didn't make it up although great effort. they swam a bunch in the lake and had a great day. my friends commented what a nice youngman and so helpful and polite. they sat with you at zach's bar mitzvah and liked you too. griffy is sleeping here tonight.