
Cindy on the go again...

Friends & Family - I'm off again on a crazy travel schedule and since I will be gone this time for (11) straight days, and knowing how you will miss me terribly, I have set up yet another blog with my partner in crime Tony Winston from the office! I am presently assembling my informational BINDER (remember from the Chicago trip) in order to keep all of you not only up to date on my excursions, but also of the interesting and fun facts of the various places I am traveling through.

I will now put an end to the suspense and let you now know where I'm off to... settle into your Lazy Boy and concentrate! Wednesday 9/2 my favorite traveling companion, Willie Simon and I will be flying off to Austin, Texas to visit with his girlfriend the infamous Katherine Richards and her fabulous mom Kim. They live in Houston, but have agreed to drive over and entertain us in Austin for (4) days of fun in the sun. On Saturday 9/5 Willie will kiss his lovey good-bye and return to Los Angeles, but I will head in the other direction to meet Lulu in Boston, MA to help her set up her new 4 girl dorm room (with wonderful new roommates) at Boston College. Note - Lulu has asked me to make a piece of art for her dorm wall, as she describes me to various associates as "my mother, the artist". I will need to get working on that asap.

THEN on Monday 9/7 Labor Day, instead of flying BACK to LA and having to turn around and return 3 days later with Willie, I will head my rental car up north to Kennebunkport, Maine where I will needlepoint, read books, and search for unique glass pumpkins which I hear are plentiful in that part of the country (btw - did anyone else notice the (2) HUGE boxes in Colleen's front hall the other evening...am told they are full of glass pumpkins...grrr...I asked Griffy to carry them out to my car while Colleen was busy in the kitchen, but he refused.)

AND THEN I drive back down to Boston to meet Willie at Logan Airport on Thursday 9/10 and we head off to Riverview School on Cape Cod, where he will settle into his 2nd year at the GROW program and Cape Cod Community College where he will focus on his chosen major of....Culinary Skills (who knew?)!

Then I will finally head back to LA on Sunday 9/13 (only to return with Bill to Boston for BC Parent's Weekend 2 weeks later, but that's another blog).

Sooooo stay tuned for what promises to be yet another entertaining travel blog from the team of Tony & Cindy!