Howdy Y'All...Arrived in the beautiful sparkling airport in Austin, Texas
after an uneventful flight (remind me to tell you about the wicked flight attendant who was most rude to Willie - I mean all he wanted was a diet coke, but she wouldn't get it for him 'cause she was helping someone else who was barfing in the aisle...I mean wouldn't you agree Willie should have his diet coke first?) ANYWAY.. we quickly met up with the beautiful Katherine, and very fit mother Kim at baggage claim, and off we went to explore. Ladies you will not believe this, but Kim handed me a completely typed informational itinerary on Texas fun facts, and what she had planned for the next 3 days. I in turn showed her my BINDER. So alike...even to the point that with the GPS on, we got lost several times!
First stop was lunch at a diner called Counter Cafe "Local Food & Global Love". It was across the street from UT Austin, one of the country's largest public universities with over 50,000 students (distinguished alum Bob Sacks graduated from the law school a few years back..) We had a huge hamburger with a side of sweet potato fries, and off we went for a tour of the State Capitol building. This building is the largest of any statehouse in the country, and taller than the U.S. capitol building in Washington D.C. The tour guide was so interesting that I found myself looking at the door hinges which were quite beautiful...have included a photo!
Afterwards we drove to our wonderful resort Hyatt Regency Lost Pines (google it - you'll want to join us) where we jumped into the pool with a lazy river and floated into the sunset. We met 2 fellow travelers,
one who is a physical therapist (I immediately asked her about my sore shoulder) and the other a Texas police officer (good to have in the vicinity at any time of day). Off to bed early, we look forward to a busy day tomorrow...we have lots of things planned (just check the BINDER).
Of note: Texas is the largest producer of wool in the whole of United States, and in Texas it is illegal to shoot a buffalo from the second story of a hotel. It is also illegal to put graffiti on someone else's cow - I KNEW I loved Texas!!!
So long y'all for now...